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Thursday, June 6, 2024

Jewelry, Treasures, and Art

 All of the jewelry Azzur has on display in the Glass Staircase was made when the palace was being built. It's all custom to his wife's preferences, and he did spoil her rotten. Every piece was indeed worn by her as well. There are some pieces strictly set for men, but Azzur kindly prefers his noble Azzur House pinky ring. He never wore a wedding ring. There are some chests overflowing with rings, bracelets, necklaces from various regions of the globe, these chests don't really hold much value for the palace but it's definitely a Rogue's looting dream. These chests were discarded to the dungeons and crypt and staff really have zero care it's there either. His lordship hired the best silversmiths, goldsmiths, and jewelers to forge and cut his jewelry. All precious and semi precious stones came in by barge, it's unknown where Azzur accumulated the gold to get it all but it's probably when he was younger and just a pirate he has treasure stashed away somewhere on multiple islands.

The treasures in the palace are vast and located on every level. The crypt's floor is swarming with too much gold coins and other currencies. There are many idols and statues everywhere, all are priceless with unknown origins. Should anyone steal just one, they'd be set for life. He has statues of all kinds of animals and idols of gods and goddesses. There are even a few bizarre ones that many staff do not mess with because they are supposedly cursed. The sewers were cleaned up years ago, so no treasure rots there in this day. There's all kinds of glass, crystal, and metals, gold, silver, platinum, precious woods, stone and bone displays throughout the palace; his most prized is the chess sets and golden tarot foils. Besides small to medium treasures there are large to enormous items such as the stuffed baby mammoth, the Egyptian themed coffins, the crests of silver, velvet drapes of purple or royal blue, what's in the glass staircase, what's in all his display rooms on the second floor, and a Baphomet made entirely out of black porcelain.

All art like oil paintings, like say the one of Baron Sukumvit's palace were all painted on the spot as the palace was being made. All tapestries were sewn in the rooms they are displayed in. Azzur does not necessarily have any paintings borrowed from others, he prefers his own personal design. Avid on art, he is serious about his showmanship. The paintings down in the royal bedchambers hall are all zombie vampires who were once royals, him, having a fascination with the undead they agreed to pose for the pictures but their souls got captured in the oils. Golems were stolen from abandoned places, and the question of how they were transported is indeed a wild mystery.

So, the palace is rare and custom-made at about 70%. Whatever relics are inside it came from Azzur's long piracy reign. It's as if he knew that one day he'd have a big castle to himself and collected and then hid all his great finds, scattering them to the world in places only he would know where to look. Most gifts given to him were built from scratch, it seems artists love doing him a favor, as a thank you for allowing them to promote their creativity.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

How the palace was built

 It took two years to build it from the ground up, it retained its barracks history of the main floor from when Illios was reigning in Port Blacksand. The second level was created for lounging, and the third level was built for Lord Azzur's wife. The fourth floor is strictly Azzur's abode. The main floor and any levels below it are all staff.

In Palace Square many tents were set up, they started chiseling stone and making bricks for the exterior, and began work on the walls of the palace. They toiled day and night at all hours no matter the weather conditions. Large crates of all sizes began arriving by the kart loads and ship loads. These boxes had glass, sections of windows, pieces of walls, doors, and ceiling. Given the size of many interior designs like the staircases many were carved inside the palace. Things like furniture that cannot fit through doors were obviously built from scratch within the room itself with the promise that they may never need be removed as long as the palace stands.

To make the dungeons, a large pit was dug out, that just kept getting deeper and deeper as they formed the crypts beneath the sewers. The sewers were also built and attached to the city's system. Windows had to be installed bit by bit. Anything huge like say the stuffed mammoth, couches, chairs, thrones had to be brought through before the windows were put in; Hauled up by ropes and pulley cranes. Tiles for the rooves were painstakingly added by workers resting up high at dangerous levels. Working conditions were harsh. Lord Azzur was not in Port Blacksand during the time the palace was being built, he was either on his ship or in the Desert of Skulls with his wife and her home. He didn't arrive until the third level was completed. If he did have to come, he would stay down in what is now the crypts, he stayed below the sewer line and utilised the dungeon as his office. But this occurrence of him being present is exceedingly rare. He really was too busy buying merchandise to be at the palace.

All furniture came in by barge or cart, some of it had to be mantled. Any portraits that are featured in the palace were painted on the spot, decorations, drapings, anything artistic created within the palace. No one quite knows where Azzur got all his indoor things, they just know it all arrived by every week to every month for three years straight.

Everything about the palace is custom-made, it's walls are ensued with magic to prevent cannonballs from destroying the brick or causing holes, they just bounce off. All plant life was added later, trees were brought in half or fully grown. Anything that's carved like wood, beams, stone was done during the building process. People worked and slaved like ants to finish it by its deadline. The palace had seamstresses to make curtains, carpenters, designers, stonemasons, artists, cleaners, cooks, and fire experts who installed the fire-ban spells on all fires in candles, fireplaces, torches, stoves, lamps... the fire-ban came about during the hottest summer of the year where there were many forest fires, scorched fields and crops, and water drying up. Lord Azzur didn't want his precious home catching fire inside so imposed sorcery blue flames that give off heat but don't catch fire to anything. He wanted belltowers as well including the tallest tower ever, he shipped in the wooden spiraling staircase that would later be incorporated into the Main Tower.

Items kept coming nonstop and workers were starting to run out of places to put them, including wall space. The palace was filling up fast as Azzur sent one thing after another, sometimes flowers would arrive by a hundred boxes and gardeners had to figure out where to plant them all! By the third year the exterior and interior were completed with nothing left to do.

The brick is like sandstone but pinkish brown in color, this is the majority of the palace's walls, with terra cotta like roof. Lots of interior walls are stone and very much set like a castle. Azzur wanted a soft beige look to his palace, something a bit different than most fortresses. They built upwards instead of outwards due to the limited space of the city itself, so it peaks tall over the walls and can be seen a mile away. Azzur loves authentic and rare (one of a kind) things, he doesn't want to share the same artifacts with other rulers, he wants to own stuff that others may covet. He wanted a design that was unusual and not just any other boring castle. His palace is no replica to anything else in Titan. It has many artful items with in it, even some thrones like the one in the room with dusty sparkles was custom-made.

Workers had to think up rules and ideas as they built like how to keep an aquarium the size of an entire wall heated and maintained. How to merge Crystal Warrior golems into the walls of the second floor. Which doors should be secret and which ones go where. It was like a mathematical jigsaw puzzle of what should be where and what rooms should look like. So it was building walls, ceilings, and floors while simultaneously adding the furniture and stairs.

The palace at the time of its structuring would have had many pulleys, thousands of ropes, carts full of stone, ladders and hundreds of workers. Lots of clanging, hammering, sawing and cutting. Inside, the sounds of chiseling, the smell of oil paints, random sewers measuring newly installed windows for curtains. The kitchen firing up and beginning it first meals. Staff were hired as soon as the first three levels of the palace were built, so they all toiled while it was being worked on. It was a busy time and without Lord Azzur's presence they had to basically guess their way through hoping he'd liked what they came up with. They just kept receiving supplies and parcels. It's possible Lord Azzur visited many merchants all around the world while waiting for his home to be finished, he may have bartered with pirates, looted places himself, and made deals with many royals for their items. He ordered textiles, mosaic, glass, all kinds of wood, pieces of intricate ceiling, brick powders, fancy stone, marble, and even ransacked the ocean for coral reef. He ordered hundreds of flowers and plants to be delivered, they are species from all three continents, including miscellaneous islands, deserts, and mountains. Some things like the golems may have come from lost or abandoned places of great danger. No place was spared. There was only one blueprint in existence of his palace and only one person put in charge of making sure the palace was built that way... or else.

Two years to make the exterior and interior sections, and extra year to add and build all furniture... everything. In the fourth year the palace was full functional and how it looks to this day.


 There is not much for entertainment in the palace except when there are banquets being held, but those in the palace do find ways to pass the time.  Games are played by guards, that could be anything from cards to dice. On some nights there's always a party in the dungeon with live music, drinking, and dancing amongst servants. The Bard sings in the guard's lounge and sometimes up on the second level in the library. Besides the local hubbub the only other means of entertainment falls when the palace has special guests like say Baron Sukumvit or any other royals. This is when the banquet hall will be utilized for shows, theater, poetry, singing, and orchestral music. The most famous shows are the live fire ones, the After Hours club for adults only (usually males), and the comedy theatricals. Lots of food and drinks are served including hallucinate drugs up in the hookah balcony. It's a night (or nights) with the Dancing Medusa, the Sun Goddess, the metal whip dancers, blood and glory, sensual dancing, and acrobatics type of ballet performances and court jester.

The Banquet Hall is a fireproof room, and has six rectangular tables put out for dining, while the other half of the room is reserved for performers. Lord Azzur will watch from the golden glitter booth. He's so weary of being assassinated he will not sit exposed to anyone. Most of the people who do the live shows are staff of the palace, this is the time they get to show off their many talents. There may be the odd guest singer or such. The serpent lady from the court room is a performer as well. During banquets, the staff that's not involved take this time to drink and be merry. It is however not the best time to sneak in or infiltrate the palace while it seems off guard, this is the time when other servants like the ghosts, golems, creatures and animals are at their most peak and dangerous. Guests must be careful where they go in the palace, it's not wise to just wander off anywhere they like. 

Summer and Autumn sees most partying, while the colder months everyone is quiet. The palace otherwise doesn't see much action, and his lordship likes to stay reserved and at peace while at home. His personal entertainment are his two vampire mistresses, his crystal ball, and observatory rooms. There is a lyre player that may perform in the saloon some afternoons on the 4th level.  

Some levels of entertainment also depends on the time of year, where in warmer seasons there might be Bays Ball type games on the grounds, a form of cricket, or football. In colder times, where most people stay indoors there'd be a lot of table games, reading, poetry, and musical instruments to learn and play. The types of music are done by drums and pipes with dancing and jigging.

Lord Azzur really doesn't oppose his staff having fun, as long as it doesn't disturb him. 

If there are outings from the palace where few servants are permitted, the gladiator games, live theaters, baseball games, pie eating concerts are enjoyed by only trusted members who are allowed to leave the grounds such as head guards, the cooks, certain grounds workers, and staff like the orcs, half orcs, goblins and gardeners.