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Floor 1, Lobby

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Sunday, March 10, 2024

Floor 1, Main Foyer

The Main Foyer  

The first magnificent thing you see upon entering the foyer is the fancy grand staircase, which is carved out of white swirling marble, has pink carved coral railings, and two small incense burners on the base of the bottom of the balustrades burning sandalwood. On either side of this wide staircase are two knights seated upon a taxidermy steed, the knights wear full platemail armor and hold onto an ensign of Khul. Atop the staircase of the second level landing is a six foot tall shield of silver and blue depicting the coat of Azzur's crest, adorned graciously by two blue velvet draping. On each side of the foyer steps behind the knights are corridors leading back towards the kitchen. There are two doors in the foyer one on the left and right, the one on the right is solid wood with a dog knocker on it, and the door on the right is red with diamond studs and having the knocker of a lizard head. The floor is multi-wood herringbone, the walls are grey stones, and ceiling paneled in cherry wood. Decorating by the doors that lead back into the lobby are two crystal lamps bolted into the wall having twenty teardrops that cascade down to the floor, each holding six white candles. Torches line the walls giving the foyer ambience and warmth, and hanging from the walls of both hallways behind the staircase are large six flags each of Arion, Allansia, Khul, and the Old World. Mini shields mark any bare spots of the walls, and by the red door sits a small bench accompanied by two tall porcelain vases not holding flowers but golden swords and peacock feathers. The staircase was put together bit by bit, and the coral railings were carved as the palace was being built. The railings are chiseled with twisting vines, leaves, and beams. The stairs start widest at the base and thin out a tad near the top, giving it almost a semi figure 8 appearance.


Your feet brush along the chevron floor, which is perfectly polished, the room having is not a speck of dust or dirt anywhere. It appears that Lord Azzur keeps a very clean home, despite the sewage and grime in the city, and the incense burners keep out the vile odors from outside. The knights seem to be looking at you from within their helmets, you go up a few steps to examine them closer and jump back in disgust at your discovery, for the one knight armor has a rotten skeleton in it, you can see the mummified skull inside. You decide not to go down any of the hallways, veiled by many overhanging flags but rather prefer to try the door with the dog-faced knocker. Beyond it is the guard's lounge, you'll go in there in a minute, and stand back in the center of the foyer and peer high up at the ceiling of the second level, something catches your eye up there. A gem-like light throbs in distant amber, but also accompanied by what looks like two eyes, as if a very large bulbous creature was crudely embedded into the ceiling and made to act like a lamp. It's most sinister but also creepy that it's body is made to look like art, it is seems to be still alive, you spy slight movements from it. Perhaps later on, when you go upstairs you can get a closer look at it. For now, the foyer sits in silence and is calming, and you've seen what you wanted, but it's time to investigate the lounge now, and you'll head to the red door afterwards. The crystal lights beautifully glisten as you pass by them...

Guard's Lounge, turn to .

Lobby, revisit by turning to .

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