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Thursday, March 21, 2024

Floor 2, Court Room

 There are two entrances from the Court Hall into this room, one is a single door that private only to Azzur, and the double glass doors which is what everyone uses. It is most famous this room and has a reputation outside of the palace even, it's where Azzur sits upon a throne-like chair behind a wooden screen, and can be often heard shouting angrily at prisoners and he whispers into his assistants' ear, usually one of his priests, and the person receiving his command will announce what sentence the prisoner will take.

The room is divided by a sliding wooden screen, it has thin mesh which is slightly see through. By the two way mirror is a fountain of Justice holding scales spewing not clear waters but red. By the wall are three parliament chairs in green, this is where palace goblin judges might sit to watch proceedings unfold. The floor is carpeted, the walls wood paneled and green paisley, as well as the ceiling. Behind the screen is a big cushioned black and silver chair with a tall carved back. It resembles a throne. Over by the nearby wall of it is a serpent lady statue. There is a bar up across the sliding screen where usually a vulture is perched. Above the doors is a lattice window where nosy staff can watch from. The two hidden doors that lead back out to the corridor by the banquet hall are still not seen, one must push on it to open it. The judges are usually the ones who enter and exit of these doors. From the two way mirror anyone in the court can see a person pass by it outside.

On a scheduled date, this room is bustling with lots of people hollering and wagering bets even before the lord arrives to take his seat. He sits behind the screen in all his best black robes, the screen would only be opened if Azzur seriously wants to make his point known and to yell no doubt. A prisoner will be dragged in by guards crying, screeching, begging as the vulture flaps its big wings.

"Here! Here!" One person yells

"Sing! Sing!" Cries another.

"The prisoner approaches the bench, milord. His crime? Stealing berry wine from the cellar." says a guard in all black platemail.

"Into the dungeon!"

"Kill him!"

Lord Azzur is usually not so talkative from behind the screen, he does whisper over to his assistant however, and he will say "His lordship decrees that this man be beaten until he is almost dead."

The prisoner on his knees will make a plea that he never stole a damn thing.

"Lies," says the one judge.

A bald headed man in green robes holding a scroll speaks, "Death shall not fit the punishment, he must be taken to the laboratory and injected with this wine he stole until his parched tongue is swollen with the very berries he was famished of!"

"Beat him, scold him, burn him..."

The prisoner starts sobbing, "I did nothing of the sort. I am innocent."

"There is no proof of your innocence, you were reported by many palace workers. They believe you loathsome. Are you NOT the dungeon cleaner? You must clean out the cellar, do you not?"


"Then you will know where the expensive wine has gone to?"

"Sirs, I know nothing about missing bottles of wine." He cries, wrists shackled. "It is not my duty to keep count of what liquor is stored in the ale room, that is the job of the cooks!"

"Blaming others of your evil deeds, I see. For shame!"

Lord Azzur whispers something, and the cloaked assistant says "How many bottles have been taken?"

"Your lordship, greatness, this has been happening for months ever since he started work down there. He was once a barn worker, cleaned them out. He is known for his drunkenness."

There's silence now.

Lord Azzur sits there for a long time as the prisoner claims he did nothing wrong. Then there is a growl, a grumble, "Bring forth the cooks." He exclaims quietly but angrily.

"That wine, sire, is not cheap to make. It comes from the Vale, and made of ice slumberberries, and to have servants help themselves thinking there are no ill consequences of their actions, they cannot be allowed to place accusations upon others."

More silence...

Lord Azzur decides that the prisoner will be taken below stairs and locked up for a month, beaten, and starved for awhile, but not tortured. The cooks are very protected workers and to blame them for stealing is a major offense.

Loud voices thunder the room upon the verdict, and Lord Azzur rises from his chair and exits the room without another word. The prisoner is relieved he didn't get the death penalty. Of course, since he's sentenced to the dungeon keep he will never be seen again.

This is what happens in the Court Room, the serpent woman is in fact a golem and can reanimate to life and attack, she has six arms holding each a weapon and has snakes for hair like a Medusa. Her snake tail is coiled, and her back is pressed up against the wall. With the screen closed, the ones on the other side cannot know she is there. She is one of Azzur's private servants and quite deadly, if the court demands immediate death like say someone spied Azzur's face uncovered, they can watch the golem lady maim the prisoner right there in the courtroom.

Where to now?

Go back out to the court hall, turn to .

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