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Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Floor 4, The Glass Staircase

 The staircase resembles a fragile giant box, the outside is stone-framed, the inside is glass. Stairs go up against the walls to the 4th level. In the center once sat a tall tarnished brass elephant but was long replaced with a man-eating plant when Azzur decided the staircase was where he was going to showcase all his royal jewels. This magnificent staircase not only has jewelry, but it also has stamina potions, luck potions, skill potions in pristine condition too which glow in their vials. Stairs encircling the room (or plant) the walls are windows with gemstones behind on display. Lord Azzur's wife's necklaces are featured here on half human busts that are still alive and ever watching. There are bangles, necklaces, bracelets, rings, extremely large (breast covering) traditional necklaces, golden chainmail, anklets, pendants, earrings, talismans, gold bars, mint coins from various parts of Titan, every gemstone imaginable, pearls, diamonds, fancy painted porcelain tea sets, gold rimmed tea sets, tiaras,  gowns made of gold thread.

There is so much displayed, Azzur no longer wears any of it, he only did during his married younger years.

Amongst other things on special display is a pink pendant tiara, with extremely fat diamonds, it is 500 karats and white gold. There is a pearls of jade and emerald stone necklace with a big diamond pendant, emerald measured to be as big as a 5x9 picture frame. A black diamonds necklace, with 1 large black diamond pendant. A rare blue diamond in 94.8 karats worth 52 million gold pieces, the diamond is surrounded by little diamonds. One has 3 fat diamonds, 1 small, 1 medium, 1 large, 930 thousand diamonds set in 1,000 karats with two large rubies of 234.65 karats, and 1 yellow diamond. The last necklace on display is worth over two million gold pieces, it has 11,5551 diamonds, 24 stones of jade, 19 blue mini diamonds, 600 pink diamonds, 114 white jade, 1 small dragonfly, 1 large butterfly.

Azzur displays his precious turban dagger full of gemstones, and a golden letter opener and seal breaker.

All necklaces are fastened with satin, the pearl chest necklace has 900 white pearls. There is a rare golden and turquoise turban pendant of a scarab, and a gold scorpion talisman.

Set in ancient gold, reds and blues are various necklaces, neck collars, armbands, earrings, bracelets, wrists, gold for fingers, ankles, and whole ear of Egyptian times. Three large talismans of a spider, a beetle, and a smaller scorpion.

In tumbled raw stones not polished or cut are ivory, lapis lazuli, citrine, emerald, amethyst, sapphire, quartz, jade, ruby, coral, carnelian, tiger's eye, jasper, turquoise, thousands of stones to name...

In painted rock, decorated shells, conches, carved bone, metals of iron, bronze, brass, and copper. As well as gold paint for Azzur's tunics and armor. There is also platinum.

The live busts feature all his wife's old chest necklaces, and when anyone comes close to them their eyes flick open, if it's someone they don't know they'll shriek, waking the plant up. They are up on the second levels of the staircase.

The staircase doesn't only hold fancy jewels, it's also home to spices like cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, saffron, pepper, curry, and a non spice but very rare plant of poppy opium.

The glass ceiling is pointed upward like a triangle or pyramid, sparkling light escapes from it. A single door on the second level leads out to a small bridge that halts at another heavy door: Lord Azzur's dwellings....


You make sure not to wake the sleeping plant, you look in awe and probably disgust at the amount of wealth in this room. You did not know so many gems and gold could exist. You ponder where he even got it all from, you have heard he had once personal jewelers. Since he's a pirate he may have random treasure maps stashed somewhere. On the second floor you can smell the hint of spices, there must be barrels of them! And the stamina potions, if only you can grab a couple and save them for adventuring, why does he need them? Perhaps, you could take just one? No one will notice.

As you walk over to a strange sight, six half women are displaying these wicked over gawdy necklaces. They open their eyes and gasp gently. One starts to sob and begins to scream, the others scream too, and you hear a big plop! as the plant falls over and starts to stir, vines beginning to shift. You will not be made a meal of, and run to the nearest door which takes you outside onto a bridge of sort. Once in awhile this is where a black dragon perches and sleeps, but today, there is no dragon thankfully. You slam the stair's door as hard as you can and head to the other door.

4th floor, turn to .

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