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Tuesday, May 21, 2024

The Gardens

 So, now that you are familiar with the plots about the palace grounds, what kinds of flowers and plants does Lord Azzur actually like? His most prized flower in the whole wide world is the lotus.

Unless you're a plant guru like Azzur it's hard to imagine all the species in his plots and why he chose them. He studies herbology, if he could he would've been a gardener and a good one at that.

Lion Plot; black lotuses, pink lotuses, leaf beasts

Front areas of palace by buildings; acacia, rose bushes (red, white, pink), daisies, lilacs, hyacinth, Amaranthus, balloon flowers, bee balms, violets, grab grass, slumber berries, begonias, bleeding hearts, bell flowers, buttercups, orange and yellow poppies and sunflowers.

Against front of palace; raspberry bushes, lilies, mint, parsley, coriander, carnations, chrysanthemum, cone flowers, fuchsia, daffodil, dahlia, primrose, dill, dandelions, foxglove

On the right side of palace; petunias (glow in the dark), olives, grapes, strawberries, blueberries, marigold, gardenia, skunkweed, wormwood, guzmania, hawthorn, blackberries

Right side of palace; flora and fauna, wild vines, holly, ice plant, lettuce, cabbage, pumpkin, squash

Fairy gardens across the driveway; iris, ixora, snowdrops, goldenrods, honeysuckle, jasmine, rosemary, lavender, large lily of the valley, stone pots of water holding water hyacinths, lupin, four leaf clover, eucalyptus, magnolia, snake plant, cranberry, mimosa, neoregelia, wort, orchids, baby tears, cherry trees, singing pansies, and jalapeño pepper plants...

There's too many to name, I only named a few.

Rear of palace; besides the herb veranda, what grows outside is cactus, ferns, garlic, hydrangea, radish, and many other wildflowers, leafy bushes, and different types of plantlife either edible or not.

Lemon tree, apple tree, plum, peach, date, olive, breadfruit and crab apple.

Lord Azzur orders in by the shipful all his favorite species, they either come in already formed and grown or imported as seeds. They are planted anywhere and everywhere. What doesn't go up into the greenhouse of the 3rd floor villa areas, goes out into the grounds. It's easy to pick a few strawberries and blueberries while you work. The scent the flowers give makes up for the rotten deathly stinky odors coming from Port Blacksand, that's why there are so many incense burners in and around the palace.

In the greenhouse are plants that need consistent care, they are far more delicate than what's outside in the elements. The fairies aren't useless they offer care as well to all the flowers. Up in the villa are tiny gnomes, they look after the plants there. The gardeners work all year round. Azzur even has flowers that grow in the snow, they're from the Freezeblood and Icefinger mountains. There isn't a set theme to the plots, things just get planted wherever there's space. Edibles are mixed with non, poisonous mixed with pollinated, and dangerous accentuated with delicate colorful. Trees go wherever, Azzur ordered a few grown trees so he didn't have to wait years for them to get into adulthood. He wants mango and coconut as well. Maybe a banana. But tropical plants are difficult to keep alive in his part of Allansia due to the changing climates. He's trying to invent a greenery spell so he may have tropical trees and such all year round.

Lord Azzur owns the gardens in Port Blacksand, he also keeps his collection of black lotus there. The kitchen harvests the fruits and vegetables grown on the grounds. Leaf Beasts do not attack gardeners, in fact when it's time for fertilizer they purr like kittens and are lovey dovey creatures. The metal flowers with their razor sharp petals grow like weeds and have to be trimmed daily, they blossom colorful flowers and bright green vines.

When a summer comes, if there are any of flowers that died and have to be replaced he makes sure he orders lots of crates. He owns property in Darkwood Forest including wheat and corn fields. His green thumb extends far out into the various regions, he can even get rice and honey. He pays exuberant amounts for exotic fruits to be imported for recipes. The palace with all its supply, it's no wonder no one tries to run away, for they are taken care of. It's better than starving and begging in the streets. It's like a mini heaven and the jobs aren't so bad. Taking care of flowers all day is better than toiling for a brass farthing and not getting a half a gold piece for a day's labor. In the morning, there are many birds come to visit, so having tea on the grounds is not so horrible a thing, it's quite the pleasant experience.

There are hundreds of flowers and plants everywhere, it would take a big book to name them all. I have given only a few for a mental view.

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